Friday, September 2, 2016

Field trip-Grade 1,2,3 -Mongiland Date:-2nd Sep ,2016

A day in  Mongiland was full of fun  for kids watching an animated movie,celebrated birthday,decorated  cups cakes,enjoyed play zone games, factory tour.At the end they received a certificate from monginis  and departed with sweet memories .   

Thursday, September 1, 2016

To identify vitamin C in food.

Hands on :-Children learnt ways to identify through tests vitamin C in food.

Show and Tell Activity Grade 5 on 31.08.16

Students were give different topics like Angioplasty,Chicken Pox,Dialysis,Diabetes,Heart Attack, Acupressure,Knee Replacement,Tooth ache to talk about.Good charts and informative models were  prepared by the children.All of them were very c

onfident about their topic and spoke well.